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158 Result(s)

What To Expect When Starting Neocate – Transitional Side Effects
...We want you to better understand what to expect when starting your child on an amino acid-based formula like Neocate. Many families may have questions, especially during the first few weeks. Here are some of the most common observations from families who are starting to use Neocate ® Syneo ® Infant or Neocate ® Infant DHA/ARA. But remember: Your healthcare team is familiar with your little one’s medical care, so their advice and guidance...
...As a newborn baby girl, Abbigail endured sleepless nights as she fussed and squirmed in search of relief. At 10 weeks old she only weighed 8 pounds and struggled to gain weight. No matter what position her father put her in, she was uncomfortable and in pain. Her constant vomiting, gassiness and weight loss was fueled by her food allergies and gastroesophageal reflux; a condition in which food leaks backwards from the stomach into...
Neocate<sup>®</sup> Syneo<sup>®</sup> Was a Game Changer for Reagan  – A Parent’s Perspective
...and skin related. After another occult test was done on his stool his pediatrician switched him to Neocate® Syneo® and that was a game changer. All his symptoms disappeared besides the ones associated with his reflux and he has been thriving ever since. He seems to be reaching all his milestones and gaining weight appropriately too. Watch Reagan’s story: – Felicia Mother of Reagan, age: 9 months, Diagnosed with multiple food allergies *Results may vary...
...Patient History Jacob was only a month old, when he was hospitalized for vomiting and dehydration. An upper GI exam at the hospital revealed that he had gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and he was discharged with a prescription for Zantac. Despite the new prescription, Jacob continued to cry constantly and had horrible gas. Jacob’s parents barely got any sleep, and with both of them working, they were constantly exhausted and tense. “I hated seeing...
...Patient History: Braelyn was only three weeks old when she began experiencing the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). She had terrible gas pains that caused her to constantly cry throughout the day. Her reflux caused her to choke, cough and wheeze in her sleep and several times it got so bad she stopped breathing. In addition, she developed a terrible rash on her face and to stop the itch she would try to...
...“I think they started to wonder why mommy brought this screaming baby into their lives!” says Jill. Nutritional Management and Outcome: The pediatrician diagnosed Natalie with infant reflux and immediately put her on reflux medication. Because Jill had problems breastfeeding her oldest child, Natalie was on soy formula. The pediatrician told Jill to switch from the soy formula to Similac Alimentum, a hydrolysate formula. But she still suffered and the older she got the more...
...was literally a night/day transition. His parents were also able to take him off of the reflux medication fairly early as his issues with reflux and vomiting were due to the protein intolerance. Unfortunately for Roland, living the first 4 months of his little life in chronic pain created an oral aversion that has continued well into his second year of his life. Eating is generally a struggle for him and could be for years....
09/18/2008 the months and years to come, this category of people will become your lifeline. If you haven’t met anyone who cares for a child with food allergies, you will. We’re everywhere! Search for a local support group in your area, or visit one of the online groups like, or the forums on They’re all free and even if you are reluctant to post at first, it will still be a comfort...

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